Modernize Education For Your Patients
Video Patient Education Customized For Surgical Patients.

Customizable For Any Speciality

Improve Patient Education

Doceo is Latin for “to teach, show, or instruct” and is the root of the word “doctor”. A doctor is meant to teach patients. But there is a disconnect in medicine. Patients forget most of what is told to them during a doctor’s visit and end up lost in the vast internet seeking clarity. Doctors overestimate patient comprehension and have limited time to explain complex medical concepts. Vidoceo bridges this gap with customized, accurate patient information delivered with easily digestible videos. Modernize Education For Patients


Of information provided by doctors is forgotten immediately.


Of surgical risks are omitted in paper consent forms.


Patient comprehension is improved when a digital medium is used.

Improve Educational Efficiency

Making quality patient education videos should be easier (and cheaper). We solved that. Vidoceo has a library of animated videos used to explain a specific surgery to a patient. Using these videos, doctors can build customized education for each individual patient

Vidoceo Solves The Disconnect In Medicine To Patient Knowledge

Why Incorporate Vidoceo Into Your Practice?

In a rapidly evolving world, video education is the natural progression for dissemination of information. Vidoceo has developed a HIPAA compliant system for doctors to easily build a custom video for each patient to explain the indications, processes, risks, and peri-operative care for surgery. We deliver the video education via e-mail directly to your patient’s phone or computer. We have the entire library in Spanish also. Our goals are your goals.
  • Improve doctor efficiency.
  • Improve patient understanding and shared decision making.
  • Improve documentation of patient education.

All this - packaged in a HIPAA Compliant system.

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